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No. 00791
受付状況 受付中
案件名 子供向け動画チャンネルなど4つのサイト一括売り
希望価格 10,000,000円
月間売上 180,000円
月間コスト 0円
月間PV 2,000,000
登録日 2020/02/20
説明 子供向け動画チャンネルなど4つのサイトがあります。









There are 4 sites an animation channel for children.

The cost is a zero and the fixed income of the advertisement comes in full. The number of registrations spreads and is the site by which the profit is still expected during increase beyond 1500 people.

PV is also stable every month, so it's also recommended to to the beginner.
I give a site of registrant about 100 to the one you bought for free of charge without exception.

The monthly sales are also rising rapidly. Last year, it was about 50,000 a month now, but the sales were being increased certainly with registrant's sudden increase and a rise of the advertisement unit price. It's for children, so a repeater has a reputation very much much, too. It's the feature that there are a lot more overseas repeaters an English area, a French area and a Chinese area, too.

The site worth 20,000,000 yen and Yuu check result have gone out by other site buying and selling sites. But I'll make it 10,000,000 yen of the half price.

Further advertising revenue sees the animation site which is a growth industry, and you can be in trouble.

A customer buys me my site this chance by all means, and it's made a side income.
Such as improving more sites, increasing the profit, buying more other sites and supplementing business, please do.

Because I decide in the order of arrival.
The person who takes an interest make a contact by all means, please.
I apologize for the person who leaked out to first arrival.

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